米国国立衛生研究所国立癌研究所皮膚科(Dermatology Branch, NCI, NIH)
理化学研究所 生命医科学研究センターチームリーダー(非常勤)
Alfred Marchionini Forschungspreis 2002 (20th World Congress of Dermatology)
CE.R.I.E.S. Research Award
Honorary membership of the Austrian Society of Dermatology and Venerology
Honorary membership of the European Society for Dermatological Research
Honorary membership of the German Dermatology Society
International honorary member of American Dermatological Association
International Member of the National Academy of Medicine, USA
Honorary membership of the Society for Investigative Dermatology
American Skin Association's 2023 George W. Hambrick Award
Morris H. Samitz Lecture at University of Pennsylvania, Department of Dermatology
William Montagna Lecture at the Society for Investigative Dermatology
Arthur Rook Oration at British Association of Dermatologists
Rudi Cormane Lecture at the European Society for Dermatological Research
Sven Hellerström Lecture at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Kung Sun Oh Memorial Lecture at Yonsei University, Korea
Yau-Chin Lu Lecture at Taiwanese Dermatological Association
Aaron Lerner Discovery Lecture at Yale University
KP Chen Memorial Lecture at National Taiwan University
日本皮膚科学会(理事 2011-,副理事長 2016-2018, 理事長 2018-)
(若手理事1999-2002, 理事2003-2010, 事務局長 2010-2011, 理事長2011-2014)
日本免疫学会 (評議員2008-)
International Investigative Dermatology (Founding Board of Director 2014-, Secretary General 2019-)
Society for Investigative Dermatology
European Society for Dermatological Research
American Academy of Dermatology
The Journal of Clinical Investigation (Consulting Editor, 2007- )
Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine 9th edition (Editor, 2014- )
The Journal of Investigative Dermatology (Section Editor, 2002-2017)
The Journal of Dermatological Science (Editorial Board, 2001- )
British Journal of Dermatology (Editorial Advisory Board, 2001- )
The Journal of American Academy of Dermatology (Editorial Board, 1998- 2008)
Experimental Dermatology (Editorial Board, 2003-2014)
Der Hautarzt (Editorial Board, 2007- )
Faculty 1000 Medicine (Section head 2005- )
Amagai M, Klaus-Kovtun V, Stanley JR. Autoantibodies against a novel epithelial cadherin in pemphigus vulgaris, a disease of cell adhesion. Cell 67 (5): 869-877, 1991.
Amagai M, Karpati S, Prussick R, Klaus-Kovtun V, Stanley JR. Autoantibodies against the amino-terminal cadherin-like binding domain of pemphigus vulgaris antigen are pathogenic. J Clin Invest 90 (3): 919-926, 1992.
Tang A, Amagai M, Granger LG, Stanley JR, Udey MC: Adhesion of epidermal Langerhans cells to keratinocytes mediated by E-cadherin. Nature 361: 82-85, 1993
Amagai M, Hashimoto T, Shimizu N, Nishikawa T. Absorption of pathogenic autoantibodies by the extracellular domain of pemphigus vulgaris antigen (Dsg3) produced by baculovirus. J Clin Invest 94 (1): 59-67, 1994.
Ishii K, Amagai M, Hall RP, Hashimoto T, Takayanagi A, Gamou S, Shimizu N, Nishikawa T: Characterization of autoantibodies in pemphigus using antigen-specific ELISAs with baculovirus expressed recombinant desmogleins. J Immunol 159: 2010-2017, 1997
Amagai M, Nishikawa T, Nousari HC, Anhalt GJ, Hashimoto T. Antibodies against desmoglein 3 (pemphigus vulgaris antigen) are present in sera from patients with paraneoplastic pemphigus and cause acantholysis in vivo in neonatal mice. J Clin Invest 102 (4): 775-782, 1998.
Amagai M, Matsuyoshi N, Wang ZH, Andl C, Stanley JR. Toxin in bullous impetigo and staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome targets desmoglein 1. Nat Med 6 (11): 1275-1277, 2000.
Amagai M, Tsunoda K, Suzuki H, Nishifuji K, Koyasu S, Nishikawa T. Use of autoantigen-knockout mice in developing an active autoimmune disease model for pemphigus. J Clin Invest 105 (5): 625-631, 2000.
Nagasaka T, Nishifuji K, Ota T, Whittock NV, Amagai M. Defining the pathogenic involvement of desmoglein 4 in pemphigus and staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. J Clin Invest 114 (10): 1484-1492, 2004.
Stanley JR, Amagai M. Pemphigus, bullous impetigo, and the staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome. N Engl J Med 355 (17): 1800-1810, 2006.
Fallon PG, Sasaki T, Sandilands A, Campbell LE, Saunders SP, Mangan NE, Callanan JJ, Kawasaki H, Shiohama A, Kubo A, Sundberg JP, Presland RB, Fleckman P, Shimizu N, Kudoh J, Irvine AD, Amagai M, McLean WH. A homozygous frameshift mutation in the mouse Flg gene facilitates enhanced percutaneous allergen priming. Nat Genet 41 (5): 602-608, 2009.
Kubo A, Nagao K, Yokouchi M, Sasaki H, Amagai M. External antigen uptake by Langerhans cells with reorganization of epidermal tight junction barriers. J Exp Med 206 (13): 2937-2946, 2009.
Takahashi H, Kouno M, Nagao K, Wada N, Hata T, Nishimoto S, Iwakura Y, Yoshimura A, Yamada T, Kuwana M, Fujii H, Koyasu S, Amagai M. Desmoglein 3-specific CD4+ T cells induce pemphigus vulgaris and interface dermatitis in mice. J Clin Invest 121 (9): 3677-3688, 2011.
Kawasaki H, Nagao K, Kubo A, Hata T, Shimizu A, Mizuno H, Yamada T, Amagai M. Altered stratum corneum barrier and enhanced percutaneous immune responses in filaggrin-null mice. J Allergy Clin Immunol 129 (6): 1538-1546, 2012.
Kubo A, Nagao K, Amagai M. Epidermal barrier dysfunction and cutaneous sensitization in atopic diseases. J Clin Invest 122 (2): 440-447, 2012.
Nagao K, Kobayashi T, Moro K, Ohyama M, Adachi T, Kitashima DY, Ueha S, Horiuchi K, Tanizaki H, Kabashima K, Kubo A, Cho YH, Clausen BE, Matsushima K, Suematsu M, Furtado GC, Lira SA, Farber JM, Udey MC, Amagai M. Stress-induced production of chemokines by hair follicles regulates the trafficking of dendritic cells in skin. Nat Immunol 13 (8): 744-752, 2012.
Hata T, Nishimoto S, Nagao K, Takahashi H, Yoshida K, Ohyama M, Yamada T, Asano K, Amagai M. Ectopic expression of epidermal antigens renders the lung a target organ in paraneoplastic pemphigus. J Immunol 191 (1): 83-90, 2013.
Sasaki T, Shiohama A, Kubo A, Kawasaki H, Ishida-Yamamoto A, Yamada T, Hachiya T, Shimizu A, Okano H, Kudoh J, Amagai M. A homozygous nonsense mutation in the gene for Tmem79, a component for the lamellar granule secretory system, produces spontaneous eczema in an experimental model of atopic dermatitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 132 (5): 1111-1120, 2013
Kubo A, Shiohama A, Sasaki T, Nakabayashi K, Kawasaki H, Atsugi T, Sato S, Shimizu A, Mikami S, Tanizaki H, Uchiyama M, Maeda T, Ito T, Sakabe J, Heike T, Okuyama T, Kosak iR, Kosaki K, Kudoh J, Hata K, Umezawa A, Tokura Y, Ishiko A, Niizeki H, Kabashima K, Mitsuhashi Y, Amagai M. Mutations in SERPINB7, Encoding a Member of the Serine Protease Inhibitor Superfamily, Cause Nagashima-type Palmoplantar Keratosis. Am J Hum Genet 93 (5): 945-956, 2013
Yoshida K, Kubo A, Fujita H, Yokouchi M, Ishii K, Kawasaki H, Nomura T, Shimizu H, Kouyama K, Ebihara T, Nagao K, Amagai M: Distinct behavior of human Langerhans cells and inflammatory dendritic epidermal cells at tight junctions in atopic dermatitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 134 (4), 856-864, 2014.
Kobayashi T, Glatz M, Horiuchi K, Kawasaki H, Akiyama H, Kaplan DH, Kong HH, Amagai M, Nagao K: Dysbiosis and Staphyloccus aureus Colonization Drives Inflammation in Atopic Dermatitis. Immunity, 42 (4), 756-766, 2015.
Adachi T, Kobayashi T, Sugihara E, Yamada T, Ikuta K, Pittaluga S, Saya H, Amagai M, Nagao K: Hair follicle-derived IL-7 and IL-15 mediate skin-resident memory T cell homeostasis and lymphoma. Nat Med, 21 (11), 1272-1279, 2015.
Amagai M. Cracking the code of skin inflammation with CD1a. Nat Immunol. 17(10), 1133-1134, 2016.
Amagai M. Modulating immunity to treat autoimmune disease. New Eng J Med, 375(15) 1487-1489, 2016.
Yokouchi M, Atsugi T, Logtestijn MV, Tanaka RJ, Kajimura M, Suematsu M, Furuse M, Amagai M, Kubo A. Epidermal cell turnover across tight junctions based on Kelvin’s tetrakaidecahedron cell shape. eLife 5 e19593, 2016.
Someya T and Amagai M. Toward a new generation of smart skins. Nat Biotechnol 37(4), 382-388, 2019.
Matsui T, Kadono-Maekubo N, Suzuki Y, Furuichi Y, Shiraga K, Sasaki H, Ishida A, Takahashi S, Okada T, Toyooka K, Sharif J, Abe T, Kiyonari H, Tominaga M, Miyawaki A, and Amagai M. A unique mode of keratinocyte death requires intracellular acidification Proc Natl Acad Sci 118(17) e2020722118; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2020722118, 2021.
Iriki H, Takahashi H, Wada N, Nomura H, Mukai M, Kamata A, Ito H, Yamagami J, Matsui T, Kurebayashi Y, Mise-Omata S, Nishimasu H, Nureki O, Yoshimura A, Hori S, Amagai M. Peripheral tolerance by Treg via constraining OX40 signal in autoreactive T cells against desmoglein 3, a target antigen in pemphigus. Proc Natl Acad Sci 118 (49): 1-12, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2026763118, 2021.
Takahashi H, Nomura H, Iriki H, Kubo A, Isami K, Mikami Y, Mukai M, Sasaki T, Yamagami J, Kudoh J, Ito H, Kamata A, Kurebayashi Y, Yoshida H, Yoshimura A, Sun HW, Suematsu M, O’Shea JJ, Kanno Y, Amagai M. Cholesterol 25-hydroxylase is a metabolic switch to constrain T cell-mediated inflammation in the skin. Sci Immunol 6 (64): doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abb6444, 2021.
Ito Y, Sasaki T, Li Y, Tanoue T, Sugiura Y, Skelly AN, Suda W, Kawashima Y, Okahashi N, Watanabe E, Horikawa H, Shiohama A, Kurokawa R, Kawakami E, Iseki H, Kawasaki H, Iwakura Y, Shiota A, Yu L, Hisatsune J, Koseki H, Sugai M, Arita M, Ohara O, Matsui T, Suematsu M, Hattori M, Atarashi K, Amagai M, Honda K. Staphylococcus cohnii is a potentially biotherapeutic skin commensal alleviating skin inflammation. Cell Rep. 35 (4): 109052, doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109052, 2021.